How Much Damage Can This Man Do In Six Months?

Donald Trump Is Embattled, Weak And Losing, And That's A Very Dangerous Situation A few months after Donald Trump took office as president, I started a new career in real estate. Starting out, I had the opportunity to meet a New York City real estate big wig and we got to talking about Trump, whomContinue reading "How Much Damage Can This Man Do In Six Months?"

Isolation: One Big Thing We CAN Do To Stop COVID19, But Aren’t

New York Has Natural Ways To Quarantine The Sick, We've Used Them Before, Why Aren't We Using Them Now? I suggested converting Governor Island in New York Harbor to a centralized quarantine zone in March. It remained closed to the public all Spring only to reopen in the summer New York City has been downContinue reading "Isolation: One Big Thing We CAN Do To Stop COVID19, But Aren’t"

The Offensive Joke Wasn’t Funny in 1989, And It Isn’t Funny Now

'Cancel Culture' and 'Political Correctness' Battles Are About Protecting Privilege And Superiority Who is the bigger snowflake? The people who nicely suggested to Trader Joe's that its branding of cultural items pushes racist stereotypes and maybe they should think about changing it - or the white people who never even thought about the subject untilContinue reading "The Offensive Joke Wasn’t Funny in 1989, And It Isn’t Funny Now"

Election Update: July 20, 2020

15 Weeks Until The 2020 Presidential Election. Biden Up Big With the presidential election only 15 weeks away from tomorrow, I'm going to take the time on my blog every Monday do what I've been doing every four years since 2000 - predict elections and give some analysis of what is going on. Below isContinue reading "Election Update: July 20, 2020"

When Weeks Turned To Months Turned To Years, America Tuned Out

We Asked Americans To Sacrifice "For Weeks" And Then Changed The Rules, So They Quit The Game The one thing that I have noticed in the ongoing "we need to keep social distancing and mask wearing" narrative is that everyone involved can separated into two groups: Those who think this is now a permanent wayContinue reading "When Weeks Turned To Months Turned To Years, America Tuned Out"

How Labeling COVID19 A ‘New York Disease’ Doomed America

The Pandemic Is Made Worse By Americans' Dismissive Attitude Toward Major Cities Like New York California and Florida will likely pass New York in terms of number of infections next week, and now would be a good time to talk about how part of the national fuckup was dismissing #COVID as a "New York disease"Continue reading "How Labeling COVID19 A ‘New York Disease’ Doomed America"

I Took A Ferry to New Jersey

Notes After My First Leisurely Day Trip During The COVID19 Pandemic When the COVID-19 Pandemic began raging in New York City, I hunkered down. For 53 days (March 22-May 14), I did not venture more than 100 feet from home and mostly stayed inside. It was mentally and emotionally draining, but I found ways toContinue reading "I Took A Ferry to New Jersey"

It’s Not About Erasing History, It’s About Holding It Accountable.

I've been to Germany. I'd be lying if I didn't admit the first thing I wanted to do when I got there was find some Nazi Museum. I'm a history buff and I'm especially keen on European history, but I didn't want to see anything related to the Holy Roman Empire or Charlemagne or MartinContinue reading "It’s Not About Erasing History, It’s About Holding It Accountable."

Feel The City Breakin’ And Everybody’s Shaking

Remembering The 1977 Blackout And How It Relates To Another Tough Summer In New York City Forty-three years ago today, on a hot July 14 in 1977, New York City faced one of its darkest days - literally and figuratively. Shortly after 9:30 p.m. the night before, lightning struck two substations in Westchester County andContinue reading "Feel The City Breakin’ And Everybody’s Shaking"

What My Intuition Is Telling Me About The COVID-19 Pandemic And 2021

It'll End Sooner Than We Think, But With Dire Sociopolitical Consequences. It's January 20, 2021 and Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. has just taken office as the 46th President of the United States after winning over 400 electoral votes. In his Inauguration Speech, he speaks eloquently, if not with the occasional gaffe, of a new rebornContinue reading "What My Intuition Is Telling Me About The COVID-19 Pandemic And 2021"